Define SAP BW/BI?

SAP BW/BI is a Business Information Warehouse, also known as business intelligence.  It enables the user to examine information from operative SAP applications also from other business

  1. What are the main areas and activities in ..." /> Define SAP BW/BI?

SAP BW/BI is a Business Information Warehouse, also known as business intelligence.  It enables the user to examine information from operative SAP applications also from other business

  1. What are the main areas and activities in ..."/>

    Top SAP BI/BW Interview Questions and Answers in 2022

    Admin | Top SAP BI/BW Interview Questions and Answers in 2022 | 486
    1. Define SAP BW/BI?

    SAP BW/BI is a Business Information Warehouse, also known as business intelligence.  It enables the user to examine information from operative SAP applications also from other business

    1. What are the main areas and activities in SAP/BI?
    • Analyzing and Planning: Using the data stored in data warehouse
    • Data Warehouse: Integrating, collecting and managing entire company’s data.
    • Reporting: BI provides the tools for reporting in web-browser, excel etc.
    • Broad cast publishing: To send the information to the employees using email, fax etc.
    1. Define data Integrity?

    Data Integrity is used to overlook replicated entries in the database.


    1. Define table partition?

    It is done to maintain the large data to ensure the capacity of the application.

    Types of partitioning:

    • Logical partitioning
    • Database partitioning
    1. What are the features of multi provider?


    • It doesn’t contain any type of data.
    • The data comes completely from the information which is provided.
    • By union operations the info providers are connected.
    1. Define Operational Data Store?

    Operational Data Store is the abbreviation of ODS and is generally used for large storage of data. It is a BW architectural module that appears between Persistent Staging Area and infocubes.

    1. Define an ‘Infocube’?

    Infocube is a data storage area which has a same structure as that of star schema. If we wish to create an infocube we have to require one fact table surmounted by the four dimensions.

    1. How many tables info cube have?

    It has two tables:

    • E table
    • Fact table
    1. What the maximum number of dimensions info cubes contain?
    • Info cubes contain 16 dimensions.
    1. Differentiate between ODS and Info-cubes?
    • Info cube doesn’t have any key but ODS have.
    • ODS is a flat file structure while Info-cube follows Star Schema
    • Info-cube contains refined data while ODS contains detailed level data.
    1. Define dimension in BW?

    The collection of reference data about an assessable event in data warehousing is called as dimensions in BW.

    1. Define modeling?

    Modeling is the term which is widely used for designing of data base.

    1. Define extended star schema?

    Extended Star Schema is a star schema in which Master data are kept in a separate table.

    1. Define extractors?

    Extractors are used to dig out the data from the system program.

    1. Define Fact Table?

    Fact tables have the transactional data. It is a group of facts and relations that is foreign key with the dimensions.

    1. How many data types are there in characteristics info object?

    There are 4 data types:

    • DATS
    • CHAR
    • NUMC
    • TIMS
    1. What is the significance of process chain?

    Process chain mainly systematizes the data. It automates it like deletion, data load, etc.

    1. What are the T-codes for Info-cubes?

    T-codes for Info-Cubes are:

    • LISTSCHEMA: Show InfoCube schema
    • LISTCUBE: List viewer for InfoCubes
    • RSDCUBE, RSDCUBED, RSDCUBEM: Start InfoCube editing
    1. Write the maximum number of key figures and characteristics?

    The maximum number of key figures is 233 and characteristics are 248.

    1. Write the types of extractions.

    Types of extractions:

    • Cross Application (Generic Extractors): DB View, Infoset, Function Module
    • Application Specific: BW content FI, CO, HR, SAP CRM, LO cockpit
    • Customer-Generated Extractors: LIS, FI-SL, CO-PA
    1. Can an Info-object be converted into an Info-provider?

    Yes, an info-object can be converted into an info-provider. To convert these rights click on the Info Area and select “Insert characteristics as data target”.

    1. Define multi-provider in SAP BI? What are the features of Multi providers?

    It is a type of info-provider which contains data from several info-providers and makes it available for reporting purposes.

    1. Define Conversion Routine?

    Conversion Routine is used to change data types from internal format to external format.

    1. Differentiate between the Start routine and Conversion routine?

    Start routine – When data is loading, we can modify the data packages.

    Conversion routine - We can’t modify the data.

    1. How we can un-lock objects in Transport Organizer?

    In transport organizer to unlock the object, go to SE03à and Request TaskàUnlock objects.  When you enter your request and select unlock and execute, it will unlock the request.

    1. Define update or transfer routine?

    The transfer routine defines Global Checks and Global Data. It is like the Start Routine.

    1. Write the types of Multi-providers?

    Types of Multi-providers are:

    • Heterogeneous Multi providers: These info-providers have a few numbers of features and key figures. It can be used for the modeling of situations by separating them into sub-scenarios. Each sub-scenario is signified by its own info-provider.
    • Homogeneous Multi providers: It consists of technically identical info-providers, such as infocubes with exactly the same features and key figures.
    1. Write the transaction codes for process chain?
    • RSPCM: Monitor daily process chains
    • RSPC: Process Chain Maintenance
    • RZ20: To see log for process chains
    • RSPC1: Process Chain Display

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