Human Resource Management in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 training provides complete practical exposure of different types of organizational units and setting up structure for them. Entering the information about all the employees, establishing links between them, managing the payroll benefits, granting loans, and assigning resources to them; all the processes are explained with hands-on training. The process of setting up the rectruitment process, skill mapping, appraisal interviews, and competency management; all the needs of HR are managed through this module is deeply explained by the professional with rich domain expertise.
Upon the completion of the training, you will hold the following capabilities:
- Set up Human Resoure Management module
- Create a job, set up a new worker record, define position assignment, build teams, and define union set up
- Define administer recruitment process, manage applicant details for the employment, create reports
- Keep track of absence information of the employees and prepare report accordingly
- Set up, record, and report competencies
- Administer performance
- Identify training needs and manage training
- Manage compensation and benefit information
- Set up employee enterprise portal
Target audience
The professionals involved in the planning, implementation, troubleshooting, and the complete management of the Human Reosurce Management module of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 are the ideal participants for this course.
Candidates with a basic knowledge of payroll and human resource concepts can undergo this training.