Installation and Deployment in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 training imparts the essential skills required for the installation and deployment of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013. This course primarily focuses on the various components related to the hardware and software requirements for successful deployment of MS Dynamics CRM 2013. The training also covers other major components of MS Dynamics CRM solution including Email Router, Office Outlook, and CRM Server among others. Participants will also gain understanding on version conflicts solution and internet-facing deployment.
MS Dynamics training also prepares the trainees for MS Dynamics certification.
After the completion of the course, you will be holding the following capabilities:
- Understand and implement MS Dynamics CRM Offerings
- Determine on-premises and online licensing model
- Install, configure, and troubleshoot MS Dynamics CRM server on-premises and online
- Install Microsoft Dynamics CRM Reporting Extensions
- Use Deployment Manager and Windows PowerShell to administer MS Dynamics CRM
- Execute different migration methods for Outlook
- Use Email Router effectively
- Configuring an Internet-Facing Deployment, Active Directory Federation Services, and Claims-Based Authentication
- Determine high availability options for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013
Target audience
- System integrators
- Implementation professionals
- Support consultants
Candidates having working knowledge of the following can undergo this training:
- Microsoft Windows Server
- Active Directory , Internet Information Services (IIS)
- Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Outlook
- Microsoft SQL Server
After being trained on the above skills, to get official Microsoft Dynamics certification you can attempt for exam MB2-702