Module 1: Introducing Oracle Forms Developer and Forms Services
- Grid Computing
- Oracle Products
- Oracle Application Server Architecture
- Benefits and Components of Oracle Developer Suite
- Running a Forms Developer Application
- Working in the Forms Developer Environment
Module 2: Creating Forms Modules
- Creating a Basic Forms Module
- Creating a Master-Detail Forms Module
- Modifying the Data Block
- Modifying the Layout
Module 3: Working with Data Blocks and Frames
- Using the Property Palette
- Managing Object Properties
- Creating and Using Visual Attributes
- Controlling the Behavior and Appearance of Data Blocks
- Controlling Frame Properties
- Creating Control Blocks
- Deleting Data Blocks
Module 4: Working with Input Items
- Creating Text Items
- Controlling the Behavior and Appearance of Text Items
- Creating LOVs
- Defining Editors
- Creating Check Boxes
- Creating List Items
- Creating Radio Groups
Module 5: Working with Non Input Items
- Creating a Display Item
- Creating an Image Item
- Creating a Push Button
- Creating a Calculated Item
- Creating a Hierarchical Tree Item
- Creating a Bean Area Item
Module 6: Working with Windows and Canvases
- Overview of Windows and Canvases
- Displaying a Forms Module in Multiple Windows
- Creating a New Window
- Displaying a Forms Module on Multiple Layouts
- Creating a New Content Canvas
- Creating a New Stacked Canvas
- Creating a New Toolbar Canvas
- Creating a New Tab Canvas
Module 7: Producing Triggers
- Grouping Triggers into Categories
- Defining Trigger Components: Type, Code, and Scope
- Specifying Execution Hierarchy
- Using the PL/SQL Editor
- Writing Trigger Code
- Using Variables and Built-ins
- Using the When-Button-Pressed and When-Window-Closed Triggers
Module 8: Debugging Triggers
- The Debugging Process
- The Debug Console
- Setting Breakpoints
- Debugging Tips
- Running a Form in Debug Mode
- Stepping through Code
Module 9: Adding Functionality to Items
- Coding Item Interaction Triggers
- Defining Functionality for Check Boxes
- Changing List Items at Run Time
- Displaying LOVs from Buttons
- Populating Image Items
- Populating and Displaying Hierarchical Trees
- Interacting with JavaBeans
Module 10: Run-Time Messages and Alerts
- Built-ins and Handling Errors
- Controlling System Messages
- Using Triggers to Intercept System Messages
- Creating and Controlling Alerts
- Handling Server Errors
Module 11: Query Triggers
- SELECT Statements Issued During Query Processing
- WHERE and ORDER BY Clauses and the ONETIME_WHERE Property
- Writing Query Triggers
- Query Array Processing
- Coding Triggers for Enter-Query Mode
- Overriding Default Query Processing
- Obtaining Query Information at Run Time
Module 12: Validation
- Validation Process
- Controlling Validation Using Properties
- Controlling Validation Using Triggers
- Performing Client-Side Validation with PJs
- Tracking Validation Status
- Using Built-ins to Control When Validation Occurs
Module 13: Navigation
- Navigation Overview
- Understanding Internal Navigation
- Using Object Properties to Control Navigation
- Writing Navigation Triggers: When-New–Instance, Pre- and Post- Triggers
- The Navigation Trap
- Using Navigation Built-ins in Triggers
Module 14: Transaction Processing
- The Commit Sequence of Events
- Characteristics and Common Uses of Commit Triggers
- Testing the Results of Trigger DML
- DML Statements Issued During Commit Processing
- Overriding Default Transaction Processing
- Running Against Data Sources Other Than Oracle
- Getting and Setting the Commit Status
- Implementing Array DML
Module 15: Writing Flexible Code
- What Is Flexible Code?
- Using System Variables for Flexible Coding
- Using Built-in Subprograms for Flexible Coding
- Referencing Objects by Internal ID
- Referencing Items Indirectly
Module 16: Sharing Objects and Code
- Working with Object Libraries
- Working with Smart Classes
- Reusing PL/SQL
- Working with PL/SQL Libraries
Module 17: Using WebUtil to Interact with the Client
- Benefits of WebUtil
- Integrating WebUtil into a Form
- Interacting with the Client
Module 18: Introducing Multiple Form Applications
- Multiple Form Applications Overview
- Starting Another Forms Module
- Defining Multiple Form Functionality
- Sharing Data Among Modules