The PeopleSoft Purchasing 9.1 course describes how to set up business units for use with requisitions, purchase orders and a variety of Purchasing features. The course takes you through the process of setting up a Purchasing business unit and its installation options and then describes how you use the business unit with, for example, locations, buyers, items, and vendors to complete Purchasing processes. These processes include creating and sourcing requisitions, running purchase order calculations, and creating purchase orders. Also described in the course are the dispatch purchase orders, generate purchase order contracts, and receive items processes.
The Purchasing 9.1 course, guides you through Purchasing processes in their logical order. The course provides high-level details about the processes and important step and field-level information for performing steps to complete the processes. In addition to learning about Purchasing processes, the course describes miscellaneous charges that can be combined with items on a purchase order, vendor setup and maintenance information, items, sales and use tax, and vendor price adjustments. Also provided with the course is additional information about commitment control and procurement cards.