Advanced JavaScript with TypeScript Training

Instructor-Led Training Parameters

Course Highlights

  • Instructor-led Online Training
  • Project Based Learning
  • Certified & Experienced Trainers
  • Course Completion Certificate
  • Lifetime e-Learning Access
  • 24x7 After Training Support

Advanced JavaScript with TypeScript Training Course Overview

Pave way for a successful career in programming and development with Advanced JavaScript with TypeScript Training Certification Course from Multisoft Systems. Get trained in one-on-one and corporate trainings from Multisoft’s global subject matter experts. Avail perks like lifetime e-learning access, after training support and globally recognized training certificate.

JavaScript is one of the most learnt programming languages. Web developers commonly use JavaScript for creating more dynamic interactions while creating applications, games, web pages, even servers. The implementation of JavaScript in game, mobile application and web development makes it worth learning. With Advanced JavaScript with TypeScript Training Certification Course, you won’t just be learning about JavaScript, but also about TypeScript that is built on JavaScript and comes with additional features and benefits. In this course, you would get to learn all major JavaScript components and its uses, along with its latest version; and gain knowledge about TypeScript.

Designed and delivered by an industry expert, this course is ideal for web designers; developers; and individuals who want to learn, advanced JavaScript and Typescript. Participants can avail several benefits like, lifetime e-learning access, recorded training session videos and after training support and receive one-on-one /corporate instructor led training sessions for this course. After successful completion of the program, a globally recognized training completion certificate is awarded by Multisoft.

Advanced JavaScript with TypeScript Course Objective

  • Gain in-depth knowledge of JavaScript object and functions
  • What are Promises, Async/Await, and AJAX and their functionalities?
  • What is JavaScript ES6?
  • JavaScript ES6 components and uses
  • Understand the difference between JavaScript and TypeScript
  • TypeScript components and uses

Advanced JavaScript with TypeScript Online Training

  • Recorded Videos After Training
  • Digital Learning Material
  • Course Completion Certificate
  • 24x7 After Training Support

Target Audience

  • Web designers
  • Developers
  • Anyone, who wants to learn, advanced JavaScript and Typescript functionalities

Advanced JavaScript with TypeScript Course Prerequisites

  • Basic understanding of JavaScript

Advanced JavaScript with TypeScript Course Certification

  • Multisoft Systems provides a globally recognized training certificate after successful completion of Advanced JavaScript with TypeScript Training Certification Course.

Instructor-led Training Live Online Classes

Suitable batches for you

Mar, 2025 Weekdays Mon-Fri Enquire Now
Weekend Sat-Sun Enquire Now
Apr, 2025 Weekdays Mon-Fri Enquire Now
Weekend Sat-Sun Enquire Now

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Advanced JavaScript with TypeScript Training Course Content

Module 1: Advanced JavaScript: Objects and Functions

  • Object: Inheritance and the Prototype Chain of Creating Objects: Function Constructors
  • The Prototype Chain in the Console
  • Creating Objects: Object. Create
  • Primitives vs. Objects
  • First Class Functions: Passing Functions as Arguments
  • First Class Functions: Functions Returning Functions
  • Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE)

Module 2: Asynchronous JavaScript: Promises, Async/Await, and AJAX

  • An Example of Asynchronous JavaScript
  • Asynchronous JavaScript: The Event Loop
  • Asynchronous JavaScript with Callbacks
  • From Callback Hell to Promises
  • From Promises to Async/Await
  • AJAX and APIs
  • Making AJAX Calls with Fetch and Promises

Module 3: JavaScript ES6

  • Variable Declarations with LET and CONST o Strings in ES6
  • Arrow Functions
  • DE structuring
  • Arrays in ES6
  • The Spread Operator o Rest Parameters
  • Default Parameters
  • Classes

Module 4: TypeScript

  • What is typescript?
  • Typescript installation
  • TypeScript vs. JavaScript o OOPs in TypeScript
  • Creating Classes and class properties
  • Methods
  • Access Modifiers
  • Constructor
  • Getters and Setters
  • Static properties and methods
  • Inheritance
  • Interfaces

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Advanced JavaScript with TypeScript Training (MCQ) Assessment

This assessment tests understanding of course content through MCQ and short answers, analytical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and effective communication of ideas. Some Multisoft Assessment Features :

  • User-friendly interface for easy navigation
  • Secure login and authentication measures to protect data
  • Automated scoring and grading to save time
  • Time limits and countdown timers to manage duration.
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Advanced JavaScript with TypeScript Corporate Training

Employee training and development programs are essential to the success of businesses worldwide. With our best-in-class corporate trainings you can enhance employee productivity and increase efficiency of your organization. Created by global subject matter experts, we offer highest quality content that are tailored to match your company’s learning goals and budget.

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Customized Training

Be it schedule, duration or course material, you can entirely customize the trainings depending on the learning requirements


Be it schedule, duration or course material, you can entirely customize the trainings depending on the learning requirements

360º Learning Solution

Be it schedule, duration or course material, you can entirely customize the trainings depending on the learning requirements

Learning Assessment

Be it schedule, duration or course material, you can entirely customize the trainings depending on the learning requirements

Certification Training Achievements: Recognizing Professional Expertise

Multisoft Systems is the “one-top learning platform” for everyone. Get trained with certified industry experts and receive a globally-recognized training certificate. Some Multisoft Training Certificate Features :

  • Globally recognized certificate
  • Course ID & Course Name
  • Certificate with Date of Issuance
  • Name and Digital Signature of the Awardee
Request for Certificate

Advanced JavaScript with TypeScript Training FAQ's

JavaScript is a programming or scripting language that allows users control multimedia, generate dynamically updating content, animate images, and more.

TypeScript is built on JavaScript. It is a programming language, but also features a set of tools. It is the superset of JavaScript that is compiled to JavaScript.

In Advanced JavaScript with TypeScript Training Certification Course, you will learn about JavaScript object and functions; Promises, Async/Await, and AJAX and their functionalities; JavaScript ES6, components and uses; TypeScript and more.

Some of the most common responsibilities of a TypeScript programmer are:

Plan, develop, and implement the user interface

Improve the design and look of the companies’ web properties

Work with other developers and designers to develop intuitive web interfaces

Improve the CSS and JavaScript quality of work

Advanced JavaScript with TypeScript Training Certification Course is delivered by certified global subject matter experts. They are real-time industry experts with expertise in JavaScript and exposure in various domains.

Multisoft offers various learning modes to avail any training program: One-on-one, on-premises, project-based, group and self-paced training programs.

Yes! At Multisoft, we offer practical/hands-on training with lots of assignments and projects that are based on real-life examples and settings. These assignments will provide participants deeper understanding of concepts and how the knowledge learnt should be implemented in different scenarios.

Yes! We offer recorded training session videos, so that you can revisit your learning anytime, anywhere you want. This feature also comes with lifetime access.

Yes! We offer one-on-one live instructor –led training programs.

In one-on-one trainings, a dedicated trainer delivers training sessions, where he/she can customize the program based on the skill required and areas of improvement of a learner. This enables trainer to focus better on the requirements of the participant, while participants receive ample of time to thoroughly understand all the concepts and practically implement them.

Yes! We offer high-quality corporate trainings programs to organizations across the world. Our corporate trainings are completely customizable, where you can get the training program tailored as per the learning demand, customize schedule and continuously assess workforce learning performance. Taking the extensive learning requirements of an organization into account, a senior subject matter expert is allocated for all corporate trainings programs.

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Our clients love working with us! They appreciate our expertise, excellent communication, and exceptional results. Trustworthy partners for business success.

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